Why Get Familiar with the Command Line?
Why Get Familiar with the Command Line?
GUI: Graphical User Interface
Use & customize your own VPS droplet
Power administrate on any hosting account
Quickly accomplish many tasks
Troubleshoot more effectively
Use GIT and other workflow products
*NIX: Unix based OS's, like Mac OSX and Linux.
Print Working Directory.
Where am I?
View the current directory's contents.
Try ls -lah for more detail.
Change Directory.
Let's move.
Touch a file.
Create a blank file with this name.
Move or rename a file.
Copies a file.
Make a new folder (directory).
Alter the permissions on a file or dir.
Concatenate files.
Can also be used to read the contents of a file, or save new files.
Read the last lines of a file.
Great for looking at recent log entries.
Choose the command line for looking at logs, or renaming files, or adjusting permissions.