Well then you are in the right flippin' place!
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
Word documents with styles
Plain text documents
Everything is tagged, so that it can be displayed in a special way.
Every tag has an opening and closing component.
Tags need to be nested neatly inside each other.
Pssst: hit the down arrow next
Choose the most simple one you can find on your computer.
PC: Notepad. Mac: TextEdit. Linux: Gedit?
Type in the words Hello World and save it as index.html
Now go and double click it in your file browser. It should open in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or IE.
Type in a sentence or two, hit the return key, and type in another sentence.
Add the starting tag <p> in front of this text.
Add the closing tag </p> on the end.
(Reload the browser after every step)
Since we want our browser to respect our paragraphs, we have to tag them individually.
Add one more starting tag <p> and one more closing tag </p>
We'll give our page a title and put it in these tags: <h1></h1>
While we're at it, a subheading between our paragraphs, using: <h2></h2>
Let's create another special tag <a></a> and put some link text in between the open and close tags. Anything you want.
Tags can have all kinds of attributes, and we'll use one here. Type href="http://google.com" into the opening tag after the <a part.
Add <html></html> around the entire document we've written.
Go ahead and add <body></body> around all of our text as well.
Add <head></head> inside the HTML element, but before the BODY open tag.
Add a new tag <title></title> inside the HEAD element, and put some text in there.
We want to make sure all web browsers display our page as uniformly as possible.
At the very beginning of this whole HTML document, add this text: <!DOCTYPE html>. This isn't a true tag, so we won't be closing it.
This tells the browser about when our page was made and how it should be rendered.
See, it's not painful at all.